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Laurie’s credentials span to include 10 years of web development experience and a degree in Accounting and Computer Information Systems from Indiana University. She also has credibility from the IUPUI masters program in HCI, Informatics in Human Computer Interaction, focusing on Usability and User Experience. Early in her career, she founded and custom built an e-commerce platform called 3 B Street, a website for selling handmade goods, which was dubbed “The Nordstom of Etsy.”
Laurie spends her personal time with her 3 pets: her German Shepherd dog, Kali, silly cat Petey, and beautiful cat Izzy. She also coaches masters swimming, swims laps regularly for exercise, and plays beach volleyball in sunny San Diego.

If you’d like to work with Betsy send her an email, she’s awfully friendly, it must be that good ol’ southern charm.